Energy Medicine
Eden Energy Medicine - EEM
Begin your Journey back to Health
Everything in life is made of energy. Your body is no exception. Blockages in your body or energy field (aura) can occur as the result of big or small traumas, injuries, suppressed emotions or stress. If undetected and untreated, they may manifest in anxiety, depression, pain, or serious disease.
Energy medicine is the quickest, easiest, and safest way to affect positive change in the body. It gives you the ability to heal yourself by harnessing the powerful energy systems that are always at work within you. Energy medicine gets to the core of all concerns - physical, mental, spiritual and emotional - creating greater overall health and vitality as it alleviates the issues at hand.
Eden Energy Medicine is unique in that it blends together nine energetic healing systems into one highly effective modality. It can be used safely to maintain your health and wellbeing, or as a complementary therapy. Whether you choose to come once, weekly, monthly or seasonly, every session is geared to your individual needs.
How Does the Eden Method Work?
“In Eden Method, your body’s own energies are activated so they act like a MEDICINE. They heal you by strengthening your immune system, increasing your resilience, and enhancing your mental clarity.
At the same time, your energies are also treated like the PATIENT. They are cleared, balanced, strengthened, and brought into a healthier flow. Where they have become compromised or damaged, as happens as we live our stress-filled lives, they are repaired.
In the Eden Method, ENERGY is the patient and ENERGY is also the healer.
The Eden Method is both a self-help method and a clinical approach used by growing numbers of licensed health care professionals. You can use it on yourself or your loved ones through exercises and techniques that are easy to learn.
Many techniques take only one to two minutes, and even in that short amount of time, many people feel a better flow of energy or find immediate relief to an ache or pain!”
(from Donna Eden’s official website)
Energy Medicine Session
$150 + HST / 90min.
Eden Energy Medicine
Chakra Clearing
Biofield Tuning
Sound Baths for Relaxation
Whether you suffer from pain, emotional distress, hormonal imbalances or serious disease, Eden Energy Medicine is geared to improve your health and vitality while also educating you in self-healing methods.
Sessions normally last around 90 minutes
You remain fully clothed during the session
We work together in a safe and quiet environment
Energetic imbalances are assessed through muscle testing
You can choose to come weekly, monthly, seasonally, or just once!
Unsure? - Feel free to email me with your questions or to book a free 20 min. phone consultation to discuss how I may help you best.
“In every culture and every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.”
Albert Szent-Györgyi, 1937 Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine
Energy Healing Session - remotely
$120 + HST / 90 min.
Since energy is not bound to a physical place, you can schedule online sessions with me.
We usually meet on Zoom when you can see what I’m doing. While I help you test and balance energies in your body, I usually also teach you relevant short and easy-to-learn exercises to maintain your energetic balance.
As an intuitive I can often feel what technique might be most beneficial to you, even if muscle testing on yourself might not be reliable in the beginning. During each healing session I will also educate you in how to detect and balance imbalances in your body, so that you learn to help yourself.
I request that we talk briefly on the phone or on Zoom before you book an initial session with me to see if we are a match and if I can help you.
Use the form at the bottom or email me at with your questions or to book a free 20 min. phone consultation to discuss how I may help you best.
Please Contact Me to Book an Appointment
or book a free 20 min. consultation.
I am available Tuesday to Saturday from 10 am to 5 pm.
Evening sessions can be arranged, but are currently available as online sessions only.
Contact me:
(519) 955-0790 (call or text)
“Working with Antje has helped me immensely. Because Antje gained her ability to sense and work with energy after a near death experience, I feel that gives her more credibility than other energy workers. Although I was sceptical at the start, I always felt better after her treatments. I had more patience with my kids and felt like I had more energy. Antje never rushed our sessions and was incredibly compassionate and caring. She taught me exercises catered to my specific needs (like headaches) to do on my own between sessions. She was able to give me insights into spirituality and my connection with my deceased son. She healed my energy that was damaged from the shock of losing my son and was able to tell me my underlying spiritual colour and what that means. My life has gotten back on track with Antje’s help. I would recommend her services to anyone.”
J. H. — Ontario
"Awesome! Thank you very much for the instructions and your healing treatments. They are so wonderful and it has helped me a lot."
D.. S. — Ontario
“The remote healing experience was truly amazing - even before knowing you personally I could feel the positive vibrations coming from your methods.
Working with you in person was such a blessing and I felt a new level of higher power as you worked through each of my chakra points. I will never forget the amazing energies that moved through my body (some in and others out) as we completed our sessions. I am already sleeping much better and feel a deep sense of peace - the heaviness I have felt in the past is notably lifted!
Working on the biofield in our last session together left me with a renewed sense of peace and calm.
It’s a shame that my stay here in Canada couldn’t extend to allow us to have 3 or 4 more sessions together, but I feel the work we have done together will resonate and continue as I travel home.
To get to know you and experience what you are able to do with people is simply a miracle - your open personality and willingness to have such meaningful conversations truly makes life easier and has brought new light in my life!!
Thank you, Antje!! Working with you was one of my life’s greatest blessings!"
M. G. — Germany
“It seemed as if you and I had become one. I was absolutely drained [after the remote session] but the physical changes in my body seemed almost miraculous.”
L. M. - Ontario
"I took two chakra clearings and one biofield tuning sessions with Antje during my four week-vacation in Canada. Not knowing what to expect, I felt safe at all times. It’s hard to put my experience into words, since Antje used only her hands during the chakra healing sessions without touching my body, yet my body responded with deeply moving sensations e.g. an ebb and flow of warmth, cold, slight pain in some regions that then disappeared, relaxation and even emotions like grief. In my second session I entered a state of such deep relaxation and inner peace that I felt ready to let myself fall into God’s hands had it been time to pass on just then.
In my third session I didn’t feel my body reacting to the tuning forks the way it had to the energy of the hands, but I could hear the sounds changing at times. After each session I fell into a brief trance-like sleep from which I woke up utmost refreshed. Overall, I had only positive experiences and felt relaxed and balanced in body and mind after the sessions. I would highly recommend Antje’s energy healing sessions to anyone open to this kind of experience."
J. M. — Germany
“I was so satisfied with my session with Antje and definitely will go again. She is so thorough in her assessment of the body. It's amazing what her testing will assess regarding the status of the organs and more. I had a question regarding my heart and she reassured me that my heart was fine, the pain in my chest was not coming from my heart. I then went to a cardiologist who told me the same. I like that she empowers you with practices you can do at home to strengthen a meridian that is weaker. I find this extremely helpful. She also has a very caring and healing presence.”
M.R. —- Ontario
Disclaimer: Eden Energy Medicine frees and harmonizes a person’s energies to stimulate innate health promoting mechanisms and restore the body’s natural state of well-being. It does not attempt to diagnose, treat, or cure illness.
“I just wanted to let you know that I had an amazing sleep last night without pain!
I have also had a wonderful day... I am so pleased to report that I still have no pain & thank you for all you do for me! which I so appreciate! Thank you!”
D.R. - Ontario